Harvester’s Support Grant Program & Food Sharing
The Harvester’s Support Grant Program is a 3-year program between SLAAMB and Indigenous Services Canada to deliver this program to the Nutrition North Canada communities. There are 18 First Nation communities that are eligible for this program and grant. The program end March 31, 2024, with a possibility of continuation.
The purpose of this grant is to support Indigenous Harvesters to engage in traditional hunting, fishing and other harvesting activities that are a part of Indigenous food sharing traditions in isolated communities eligible for food subsidies under the Nutrition North Program, prioritizing those of highest needs. The objectives of the grant are to increase the number of local, traditional harvesters and community led harvesting activities and to encourage and support of these foods within the local community.
The programs broken down into three parts in order to meet the objectives of the HSG Program:
- Communing Food Sharing: To improve access to country and traditional foods by increasing food sharing by the local hunters, fishermen, gatherers, and trappers.
- Community Hunts and Harvests: To increase the number of harvesters in the community and improve knowledge sharing between existing and new harvesters.
- Training and Traditions: To reduce unemployment and improve knowledge sharing within the community.